
Dear enemy recognition reduces the costs of territorial defence in some species, but not others, when a neighbour is more threatening to a resident's fitness than an intruder. I asked whether dear enemy effects were fixed in a particular species, or if the reduced aggression between a resident and neighbour was disrupted by the presence of potential mating opportunities. Observing variegated pupfish, Cyprinodon variegatus, in the field and in the laboratory, I examined the effects of a female's presence in a male's territory on residents' aggressive responses to conspecific neighbours and strangers as well as heterospecific opponents. Although reduced aggression consistent with dear enemy recognition was seen between conspecific neighbours in the absence of females, the presence of a female in a male's territory instigated comparably greater aggression between the neighbours. No reduction in aggression was seen between pupfish males and heterospecific opponents. These findings suggest that dear enemy recognition may be a flexible, rather than a fixed, feature of the relationship of neighbouring conspecific males. Despite the disruption in dear enemy recognition caused by a female, residents in the laboratory faced with neighbours spent more time associating with the female than residents faced with strangers. This allowed the residents to secure as many spawns as did males who had been faced with no competitor. Residents faced with any other type of opponent had reduced reproductive success, suggesting that the dear enemy relationship between residents and neighbours is more complex than simply a reduction in aggression. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.

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