
Abstract: Falling down from a wheelchair is among the significant reasons for clinical issues that are faced by older individuals, small babies, and handicapped individuals. These individuals will more often harm themselves from tumbling down when they are alone. When a falling occasion happens, clinical consideration needs to give promptly to diminish the gamble of the faller from getting serious wounds that might prompt demise. A few advances have been created and a few used webcams to screen their exercises. Nevertheless, the cost of movement and foundation is exorbitant and only relevant for the indoor environment. Some clients additionally stressed over their security issues. The current marketed gadget is by wearing a wearable remote crisis transmitter which confines the development of the client and produces a high Phoney problem. This examination proposed a wheelchair-individual fall identification framework using Arduino and gyroscopic sensor which is financially savvy and dependable to identify falls and alarm encompassing to call for help. For fall discovery, the mpu6050 sensor GSM module and Arduino are carried out into the framework. At the point when fall occasions happen, the information incorporating the area of the wheelchair will be sent to the caretakers of that person and the alarm fixed to the device will be turned on automatically. Also, this framework requires less execution cost and gives a speedy reaction. It can introduce in the current business wheelchair. For the future proposal, a superior GUI configuration can be executed into the framework other than that, more discovery frameworks can be added to build the precision of the framework. Keywords: Sensor-Arduino, Wheelchair Fall detection, GSM module, mpu6050

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