
Wheat is one of the most important crop among the cereals by area planted; followed in importance by corn, barley and sorghum. It is the best of the cereal foods and provides more nourishment for humans than any other food source. Wheat is a major diet component which supplies about more than 60% of the total daily requirements of protein and calories for the world's population. It contains minerals, vitamins, fats (lipids) and is a good source of fibers making it a highly nutritious product. Cereals and milk are blended to compensate for deficiency of lysine. The proteins from wheat in combination with milk can make up the deficiency of protein quality. Incorporation of wheat as an ingredient in dairy products would help in alleviating its nutritional value. A number of products obtained from wheat with good nutritional value such as wheat germ, aleurone flour and wheat bran are available. Fortification of dairy product with these ingredients would help in the manufacture of neutraceuticals with improved nutritional and functional properties. Keywords: wheat, milk, dairy products, wheat germ, aleurone flour Cite this Article Aparna S, Patel K, Patel S, et al . Wheat and its application in dairy products – A review. Research & Reviews: Journal of Dairy Science and Technology. 2015; 4(2): 19–34p.

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