
Modal shift from car to metro has positive impacts on the society including congestion reduction, energy efficiency, and reduction in carbon emission and air pollution. However, people often choose car over public transport for many reasons, for example, comfort, freedom, and reliability among many others. Barriers to shift to public transport can play even stronger role in cities like Riyadh, where the urban infrastructure as well as fuel price and the culture favor car travel. To what extent certain factors may influence modal shift from car to public transport in Riyadh is a critical question. In this study, we investigate the underlying factors that drive people of Riyadh to use the metro instead of car. Using stated preference survey data and mixed logit models, we analyzed modal shift from both car and taxi to metro. The results show that travel times, travel costs, walk times and transfer requirements significantly and negatively affect people’s mode choices. Whereas young Saudis are more likely to shift to metro, the findings suggest that a very favorable walking situation is required for metro to be successful.

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