
Cryptocurrency is a virtual digital currency. The main reason for the popularity of digital currency is its decentralization and the peculiarities arising from it. Austrian economist and philosopher Friedrich August von Hayek In the 1970s, he became interested in the benefits of money-laundering by the state and began exploring the possibilities of alternative currencies. In 1976 he published the book: Denationalization of Money: An Analysis of the Theory and Practice of Concurrent Currencies. According to Hayek, the state monopoly on the issue of money should be abolished, he writes: The special right of the country's governments to issue and regulate money could not help the society to receive much better money than it would have without the intervention of governments. It was this work by Hayek that prepared the ideological basis for the creation of decentralized digital currency. The purpose of creating a cryptocurrency is to get rid of the directives of central banks. If cryptocurrencies are created by the governments of countries, the basic idea of creating a virtual currency that virtual capital in the Internet space must be beyond the control and regulation of the government is lost. It is in this fundamental idea that the best degree of freedom is best seen, the increased degree of human dependence on free money, which raises many questions, namely:  What is the philosophical concept of creating cryptocurrency?  What worldview feeds the existence of cryptocurrency?  Does the existence of cryptocurrency have an intellectual basis?  What is the future of this venture?  What principles or obligations should the government follow when talking about cryptocurrency?  Is the world preparing for a single currency? The term decentralized digital currency has great appeal, the freedom to depend on money on this scale has long been awaited by mankind, despite the fact that we have numerous examples of independent money making in the world. Can cryptocurrency free us from default? The answer to this question is heterogeneous. One group of experts believes that they do not see default in the crypto world at all, because there will be no need to attract capital by traditional methods, there will be no need for long-term commitments, no bonds will be needed, we will move from the industrial era to the service era, cryptocurrencies. Wall Street positioners even call this view futuristic and say that bonds are a structure of contracts and rules that are not in the crypto world. In our opinion, this may be the traditional paradigm of the attitude of the old representatives of the financial world to the crypto industry. There have been serious tectonic shifts in recent geoeconomics, such as Brexit, the struggle for Catalan independence, the Donald Trump phenomenon, the Recep Tayyip Erdogan factor, and so on. All this breaks the old economic models that we previously thought were unalternative. In the final part of the research topic, we discuss the pros and cons of cryptocurrency, namely that the exchange rate of any cryptocurrency fluctuates rapidly in a very short period of time, there may be a complete depreciation of a particular currency, nothing can prevent it, Return is virtually impossible because the transactions are anonymous, there have been numerous cases of cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, it is practically impossible to investigate the fact, due to the anonymity of these transactions, cryptocurrencies are not secured by any assets, unlike shares they do not allow buyers or property. Against this background, it is interesting to see what place cryptocurrency will occupy in the new currency system. The fact is that virtual finance is a new word in online technology that will change in the future, no matter what the new model of running the economy.

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