
We introduce the self-relative binding free energy (self-RBFE) approach to evaluate the intrinsic statistical variance of dual-topology alchemical binding free energy estimators. The self-RBFE is the relative binding free energy between a ligand and a copy of the same ligand, and its true value is zero. Nevertheless, because the two copies of the ligand move independently, the self-RBFE value produced by a finite-length simulation fluctuates and can be used to measure the variance of the model. The results of this validation provide evidence that a significant fraction of the errors observed in benchmark studies reflect the statistical fluctuations of unconverged estimates rather than the models' accuracy. Furthermore, we find that ligand reorganization is a significant contributing factor to the statistical variance of binding free energy estimates and that metadynamics-accelerated conformational sampling of the torsional degrees of freedom of the ligand can drastically reduce the time to convergence.

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