
The article is devoted to the development of the Republic of Moldova after gaining independence in 1991. Once a developing country with a sustainable economy, where citizens from all over the Soviet Union aspired to go, today it is the poorest country in Europe, with hundreds of its citizens leaving abroad every day, in recent years mainly to the countries of the European Union, in order to feed their families and provide a decent future for their children. It is noted that after the collapse of the USSR, the country faced a severe economic crisis, the consequences of which the country is still experiencing today. The article analyzes the problems the Republic of Moldova is facing today, including a difficult economic situation, a high level of corruption, an unstable political situation in the country, high energy and food prices, a low standard of living, and unemployment. Thus, Moldova turned out to be a state that became dependent on foreign aid. In 2019, the newly elected government set the course for European integration, complicating its relations with Russia. 2022 has become even more challenging for the country, which, in addition to all the economic and political problems, faced the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine, refugees and the problem of increased energy prices.

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