
Chiral Nanomaterials Crystallization and chirality have been entangled since Pasteur's observations on chiral tartaric acid crystals, yet there is still limited understanding of how chiral compounds form chiral crystal morphologies. For example, although a chiral seed crystal can promote a particular handedness, it is not clear why such seeds do not do so with 100% efficiency. Ben-Moshe et al. examined chiral nanocrystals of tellurium grown from solution using various electron microscopy and diffraction techniques (see the Perspective by Popov). They found that screw dislocation- mediated growth is responsible for chiral polyhedral shape formation, and chiral crystals can thus form even in the presence of achiral ligands. Science , this issue p. [729][1]; see also p. [688][2] [1]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.abf9645 [2]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.abh1213

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