
As the availability of satellite and airborne thermal infrared remote sensing (TIR-RS) data increases and their spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions improve, researchers are finding diverse applications for TIR-RS measurements. TIR-RS is now commonly applied in regional- and continental-scale analyses, such as those focused on fire and surface energy balance. However, its application lags in plant physiology and ecology, for which a finer-scale understanding of plant canopy temperatures would be useful to elucidate plant water dynamics, for example. In particular, while methods to disaggregate TIR-RS pixels in horizontal space have advanced, possible vertical stratification of plant canopy temperature and its implications for understanding the correspondence between TIR-RS and finer-scale, field-based thermal measurements (e.g. made with a thermal camera) remain unexplored. Here, we use data from a thermal camera deployed concurrently with the recent ECOSTRESS mission to quantify vertical temperature gradients within tree canopies and temperatures of over- vs. under-story plants in a Mediterranean woodland savanna. We then leverage diverse ancillary data to maximize the geometric comparability of ECOSTRESS and thermal camera measurements, in order to assess the extent to which the two forms of thermal measurements correspond. Specifically, we ask: (1) What are the patterns of intra-canopy and over- vs. under-story vertical temperature in a Mediterranean woodland savanna?, and (2) How can vertically-resolved, but spatially-limited field-based temperature measurements be reconciled with spatially-extensive, but surface-only, temperature measurements of a space-borne remote sensor? We found consistent patterns of vertical thermal heterogeneity both within tree canopies and between ecosystem over- and under-stories. The daytime difference between the top and bottom thirds of blue oak canopies was, on average, 0.48 ° C – and sometimes several times larger. Notably, canopy tops are cooler, likely associated with the under-story grass reaching daytime temperatures often exceeding over-story temperatures by 10° C. Given the consistency of the intra-canopy temperature gradients, we expected the ECOSTRESS sensor would be in better agreement with camera measurements of canopy tops than bulk canopies or canopy bottoms. However, within-canopy gradients were overwhelmed by other sources of disagreement between the measurements, in part associated with upscaling camera measurements across space. Overall, thermal camera and ECOSTRESS measurements were largely in agreement at night (pixel RMSE = 1.1°C), but they were more divergent during times of low (but >0 W/m2) and high incoming solar radiation (daytime pixel RMSE = 3.5°C).

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