
There are plenty of changes that carries with it the time, without a little bit in all spheres of life. In the technological development and the economy mostly. How much are we willing to accept them and valorize their effects improve, the issue is the challenge. Adequate rational approach institutional system greatly contributes to the creation of favorable preconditions for the exercise of economic and overall activity every subject, whether it is a legal or natural person, or the national economy as a whole. By developing and continuously improving existing business environment faster than the other, the national economy becomes more competitive by increasing their production both in terms of economic growth and technological development. In this dynamic process of harmonious relations of growth and development, based on the highest possible degree of utilization of their own resources, the lack of own accumulated undeniably has its fitness for purpose of providing credit loans. As an unwritten rule of rationality public borrowing is the arrangement which increases the existing production or improving the available technologies on the basis of whose positive effects of growth and development, we can in terms of values smooth serviced due committed credit annuities. In other words, the positive effects of securities investment loan funds, continuously provide additional newly created value for their smooth repayment. Lightly credit borrowing to ‘service’ existing, or worse what is our reality, plus additional public spending, the national economy exposes the additional costs budget balance, growth of fiscal burden, rising unemployment, usually bound and inflation and as sublimate global stagnation or decline in economic activity.


  • | 17 approach institutional system greatly contributes to the creation of favorable preconditions for the exercise of economic and overall activity every subject, whether it is a legal or natural person, or the national economy as a whole

  • By developing and continuously improving existing business environment faster than the other, the national economy becomes more competitive by increasing their production both in terms of economic growth and technological development

  • As an unwritten rule of rationality public borrowing is the arrangement which increases the existing production or improving the available technologies on the basis of whose positive effects of growth and development, we can in terms of values smooth serviced due committed credit annuities

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Apstrakt Mnoštvo je promjena koje sobom nosi vrijeme, bez malo u svim sferama života. Razvijajući i kontinuirano unapređujući postojeći privredni ambijent brže od ostalih, nacionalna ekonomija dobija na konkurentnosti uvećavajući svoju produkciju kako u pogledu ekonomskog rasta, tako i tehnološkog razvoja. U tom dinamičkom procesu skladnih odnosa rasta i razvoja, baziranog na što većem stepenu korišćenja sopstvenih resursa, nedostatak sopstvene akumulacije nesporno ima svoju svrsishodnost obezbeđenja kreditnim pozajmicama. Olako kreditno zaduživanje radi ,, servisiranja’’ postojeće, ili još gore što je naša stvarnost, uvećane dodatne javne potrošnje, nacionalnu ekonomiju izlaže dodatnim troškovima usložavajući budžetsku ravnotežu, rast fiskalnih opterećenja, rast nezaposlenosti, najčešće neminovno i rast inflacije i kao sublimat globalno stagnaciju ili pad privrednih aktivnosti. Ključne reči: nacionalna ekonomija, BDP, akumalicija, privredni rast, javno zaduživanje, siva zona, fiskalna politika, državni dug WHAT IS THE MAZE SOLUTION?

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