
In November 2014, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calculated that for every 498 women having surgery for presumed fibroids, one woman would be found to have an occult leiomyosarcoma (LMS). The FDA issued a safety communication warning against the use of laparoscopic morcellators in the majority of women undergoing myomectomy or hysterectomy for treatment of fibroids. This communication was prompted by concern that if a patient had an occult LMS, the morcellator might spread tumor cells within the peritoneal cavity. We submit that the FDA directive was based on a flawed and misleading analysis. More rigorous evidence estimates the prevalence of LMS among women operated upon for presumed uterine fibroids at approximately one in 2000 women, significantly lower than the FDA's estimate. In addition, there is no reliable evidence that morcellation influences survival or that power-morcellation is inferior to vaginal or mini-lap morcellation with a scalpel. Recent publication shows that open surgery carries more risk for women when compared with minimally invasive surgery. Although the possibility of occult LMS should be considered by women and their gynecologists, we suggest that current morcellation techniques be continued for women who wish to benefit from minimally invasive surgery. Investigation into new and, hopefully, better morcellating devices may make the procedure safer for women.

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