
‘Coverage’ or ‘fold’ is defined as the multiplicity of common-midpoint (CMP) data. For CMP stacking the coverage is consistent with the number of traces sharing a common reflection point on flat subsurface reflectors. This relationship is not true for dipping reflectors. The deficiencies of CMP stacking with respect to imaging dipping events have long been overcome by the introduction of the dip-moveout (DMO) correction. However, the concept of coverage has not yet satisfactorily been updated to a ‘DMO coverage’ consistent with DMO stacking. A definition of constant-velocity DMO coverage will be proposed here. A subsurface reflector will be illuminated from a given source and receiver location if the time difference between the reflector zero-offset traveltime and the NMO- and DMO-corrected traveltime of the reflection event is less than half a dominant wavelength. Due to the fact that a subsurface reflector location is determined by its zero-offset traveltime, its strike and its dip, the DMO coverage also depends on these three parameters. For every surface location, the proposed DMO coverage consists of a 3D fold distribution over reflector strike, dip and zero-offset traveltime.

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