
We propose precise effective field theory criteria to obtain a four-dimensional de Sitter space within M-theory. To this effect, starting with the state space described by the action of metric perturbations, fluxes etc over the supersymmetric Minkowski vacuum in eleven-dimensions, we discuss the most general low energy effective action in terms of the eleven-dimensional fields including non-perturbative and non-local terms. Given this, our criteria to obtain a valid four-dimensional de Sitter solution at far IR involve satisfying the Schwinger-Dyson equations of the associated path integral, as well as obeying positivity constraints on the dual IIA string coupling and its time derivative. For excited states, the Schwinger-Dyson equations imply an effective emergent potential different from the original potential. We show that while vacuum solutions and arbitrary coherent states fail to satisfy these criteria, a specific class of excited states called the Glauber-Sudarshan states obey them. Using the resurgent structure of observables computed using the path integral over the Glauber-Sudarshan states, four-dimensional de Sitter in the flat slicing can be constructed using a Glauber-Sudarshan state in M-theory.Among other novel results, we discuss the smallness of the positive cosmological constant, including the curious case where the cosmological constant is very slowly varying with time. We also discuss the resolution of identity with the Glauber-Sudarshan states, generation and the convergence properties of the non-perturbative and the non-local effects, the problems with the static patch and other related topics. We analyze briefly the issues related to the compatibility of the Wilsonian effective action with Borel resummations and discuss how they influence the effective field theory description in a four-dimensional de Sitter space.

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