
Script event prediction (SEP), aiming at predicting next event from context event sequences (i.e., scripts), has played an important role in many real-world applications such as government decision-making. While most of the existing research only depend on the top-level event prediction, they ignore the influence of other bottom levels or other relationship modeling manners. In this paper, we focus on the problem of SEP via multilevel script learning where the goal of is to explore a multistage, multiprediction and multilevel information fusion model for SEP. This is challenging in (1) simultaneously modeling of the multilevel event relationship semantic information and (2) effectively designing multilevel information fusion strategies. In this paper, we propose a new script event prediction model based on Enhanced Multilevel script learning and Dual Fusion strategies, named EMDF-Net. Specifically, EMDF-Net designs the multilevel (event/chain/segment level) script learning to model both temporal and casual information as well as the rich structural relevance via neural stacking of self-attention mechanism and graph neural networks. Then it proposes dual fusion strategies to fully integrate different-level information by nonlinear feature composition and weighted score fusion. Finally, a deep supervision strategy is utilized to end-to-end train the whole model and provide a good initialization for information fusion. Experimental results on the popular NYT corpus demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of EMDF-Net.

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