
Increases in the intensity of the management of agricultural grasslands over the past 50 years have reduced plant species diversity in swards and increased uniformity in structure through changes in fertilizer regimes, grazing and mowing practices. These factors, as well as increased disturbance and trampling, have reduced the number and diversity of forbs and thus the diversity and abundance of invertebrates, in particular of foliar species. Associated with these changes in management, there has been a large decline in the abundance of many species of farmland birds in pastoral areas and more local extinctions compared with arable areas. To understand the impact of these management changes on bird populations, and design measures to reverse the declines, it is necessary to identify the key factors influencing bird usage of fields. We review results from five studies, which have related fertilizer and grazing management to bird usage of grass fields. Species that fed on soil invertebrates tended to show a positive response to the amount of nitrogen fertilizer added and increased grazing pressure, although there was a high degree of correlation between these two variables. In summer, many species, including corvids, Common Blackbird Turdus merula, Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris, Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba and Hedge Accentor Prunella modularis, showed a negative relationship with sward height, and in winter more species showed a positive relationship with bare ground. Taller sward heights are associated with a greater abundance and diversity of bird invertebrate food resources, and accessibility of food items or a lower risk of predation (actual or perceived) are likely to be the reasons for birds choosing to forage on shorter swards and in areas with more bare ground. Birds feeding on soil invertebrates were found to be generally tolerant of modern management practices that maintain short swards short, as accessibility to the soil has been increased. Species that feed on foliar invertebrates or forb seeds have been affected negatively by modern grassland agricultural practices.

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