
Clinical trials are conducted to evaluate the usefulness of a drug, medical treatment, surgical intervention, radiological procedure, behavioral intervention, or preventive health care strategy. Clinical trials are challenging, time-consuming, and need careful planning and execution. There are certain requirements for an academic unit to be ready for conducting quality research, especially clinical trials. These include logistical concerns, infrastructure, appropriately trained human resources, conformity with ethical compliances and regulatory compliances as per the laws governing the respective geographical regions.Infrastructure requirements include research division space, robust data archival system, archival of imaging data, laboratory services, information technology division and facilities for the appropriate consenting process. Human resources such as principal investigators, data managers, clinical research assistants and biostatisticians are needed to execute the clinical trial as per the study design. Adherence to ethical and regulatory standards; during the conduct of the clinical trial are imperative. Strict compliance with prevailing governing laws in the country is a prerequisite for a department to get involved in clinical trials. The department also needs to put in place an institutional ethics committee; the composition of which is often governed by regulatory laws. The ethical aspects of the trial undergo a formal scrutiny by an Institute ethics committee that ensures quality care to the patient, and safeguards the patient's rights and privileges.The academic unit of any department forms the core for possible research and pursuit of clinical trials. A department with rich clinical experience and expertise in the filed aids in the execution of quality research. The academic department must consider grant writing and multiple center collaborative research projects in due course of time to further enhance the quality of clinical trials and research output.

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