
While every program following patients on durable left ventricular assist devices (VADs) has VAD coordinators, their responsibilities are not unified. Although all of them take care of patients and provide education to patients, family, medical professionals, and public, their daily functions differ. The purpose of this descriptive study was to characterize daily functions of VAD coordinators in the USA-based programs. We surveyed representatives (heart failure cardiologists or cardiothoracic surgeons) of the programs implanting VADs and following VAD patients. Each representative answered a standardized block of questions. Programs which opened within one year of the study, programs following less than 20 patients, and programs where VAD coordinators also function as transplant coordinators were excluded. A total of 20 heart failure cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons representing VAD programs from various regions of the country, answered the questions of the survey.The number of patients with LVAD followed by individual programs ranged 50-200, median 100, and the number of coordinators in the program ranged 2-7, median 4. Number of patient per coordinator was 25 (median), ranging 10-65.They performed following functions:1. INR management 75% 2. Daily notes on in-patient service in patients with VADs 55%3. Notes on out-patients with VADs during clinic visits 73,7%4. Coming to the emergency room by default when patient with VAD is admitted 45%5. Home inspection in the process of evaluation for VAD 20%6. Weekend rounds on LVAD patient 25% CONCLUSION: There is wide variability in daily functions of VAD coordinators across the country, The median ratio is 25 patients with VADs per coordinator, with a very wide range 10-65. Programs with best workflow and outcomes should be studied in order to determine the optimal set of responsibilities for VAD coordinators.

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