
To determine the attitudes of Australian junior doctors towards white coats. We carried out a multicentred mail survey in 13 Australian teaching hospitals. A total of 337 junior medical officers (JMOs) completed an eight-item questionnaire. The survey sought to establish JMOs' views and preferences regarding the wearing of white coats and the reasons behind them. Very few Australian JMOs wear white coats. Many reasons for not wearing white coats were given, the most common being 'No one else wears a white coat' (70%). A total of 60% of JMOs are against wearing white coats; 24% are indifferent on the issue and only 16% expressed a general preference for white coats. Junior medical officers who did prefer white coats indicated reasons of convenience for carrying items, identification and/or professionalism, and hygiene and/or cleanliness. White coats have largely disappeared from Australian teaching hospitals and the majority of junior doctors in Australia oppose the wearing of white coats.

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