
Polar cap patches are known as islands of enhanced electron density in the polar cap F region ionosphere. To observe the airglow signature of polar cap patches continuously at a fixed point near the center of the MLAT/MLT coordinate system, we started operating an all-sky imager in Eureka, Canada since 2015, where the magnetic latitude is ~87°. By statistically analyzing the 630-nm airglow images from Eureka, it was identified that the luminosity of patches, which is proportional to the electron density in the F region, increases during specific UT interval from 16 to 22 UT. This outstanding UT variation of patch luminosity can be explained simply by the systematic shift of the terminator in the MLAT/MLT coordinate system due to the offset between the geographic and geomagnetic pole. That is, the spatial relationship between the dense source plasma in the sunlit area and the high-latitude convection system controls the UT variation. We also found that when the IMF By is positive, the number of polar cap patches was twice of that in the negative IMF By. By deriving average convection patterns from the archived SuperDARN map potential data, we confirmed that the configuration of plasma convection is more appropriate for patches to be transported toward the magnetic pole during the positive IMF By condition.

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