
Ignacy Łukasiewicz is commonly referred to as the founder of the oil industry. Most people associate him with the invention of the kerosene lamp. He was also, however, an accomplished pharmacist, an advocate of Polish independence, social activist, and philanthropist. It is worth recalling that he was the cofounder of the world's first oil mine and distillery. He made a lasting mark on the economic history of the world. Łukasiewicz was not only the inventor of the oil lamp; his achievements were broader. He operated in difficult times and had to overcome many private, political and economic adversities. Yet they did not break his attitude, which was unfailing. He proved that being an innovator and an entrepreneur is not incompatible with maintaining admirable social convictions. What can we, living in the 21st century, learn from Ignacy Łukasiewicz? This article brings to the fore several qualities of his that are well are worth noting. It aims to present the values that characterize the person of Ignacy Łukasiewicz – values, the emulation of which, would serve the present generation well. Keywords: Ignacy Łukasiewicz, entrepreneurship, kerosene lamp, personal qualities.

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