
Abstract Background The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) aim to solve the world's most wicked problems, which requires global partnership. That means governments, national and international organizations and worldwide leaders working together, but it also implies individuals, families and communities, which make up most of the world, must contribute. Households, schools, the health system and others have a responsibility in the consumption and demand for energy and resources of our planet and contribute largely to climate change. Awareness and population education are essential to promote action on an individual level. Objective This presentation is part of a workshop on how individuals and public health (PH) can create a more sustainable world. It aims to present the science and challenges behind changing and creating new habits, and examples of individual habits and choices everyone can make in order to contribute to the SDG and to sustainable health prevention. This presentation is based on the United Nation (UN) available material for the SDG, as well as other independent research on the subject. Results Sustainable individual actions can be divided in 3 different main themes: Food and Water - Examples. Eat a more plant-based diet; use apps like Too Good To Go®; reutilize the water from your shower... Energy - Examples. Plug all appliances into a power strip and turn them off completely when not in use; adjust your fridge and home thermostat to winter and summer temperatures; use energy efficient light bulbs; fill your house with rugs... Resources - Examples. Pay your bills online; delete your spam email; compost your food; choose a better diaper option; shop second-hand clothes... Conclusions There are a lot of habits and small choices everyone can adopt in order to contribute to a more sustainable world and to promote healthy habits. These changes may seem trivial on an individual level, but they add up to millions of resources saved for the planet at a global scale.

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