
Far away observers can in principle bound from below the dimensionless maximum-density parameter $\Lambda\equiv4\pi R^2\rho_{\text{max}}$ of a compact star by measuring the gravitational redshift factor $z\equiv\nu_{\text{e}}/\nu_{\infty}-1$ of photons that were emitted from the {\it surface} of the star: $\Lambda\geq{3\over2}[1-(1+z)^{-2}]$ [here $R$ is the radius of the star and $\{\nu_{\text{e}},\nu_{\infty}\}$ are respectively the frequency of the emitted light as measured at the location of the emission and by asymptotic observers]. However, if photons that were created somewhere {\it inside} the star can make their way out and reach the asymptotic observers, then the measured redshift parameter $z$ may not determine uniquely the surface properties of the star, thus making the above bound unreliable. In the present compact paper we prove that in these cases, in which the creation depth of a detected photon is not known to the far away observers, the empirically measured redshift parameter can still be used to set a (weaker) lower bound on the dimensionless density parameter of the observed star: $\Lambda\geq{3\over2}[1-(1+z)^{-2/3}]$.

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