
The careers of 131 dental research trainees were followed (1954-2007) to establish whether and how they utilised their research training in keeping with clinical research workforce needs. The Dental Research Institute database was used to obtain trainee demographic, teaching and research outputs which were examined according to degree types: PhD (18); MSc (55); MDent (42) and dropout (16). Current careers show that 48% are in exclusive private practice and 15% in exclusive academia with further 15% practitioners having academic links via sessional teaching or research at a dental school. Most (63%) have remained in South Africa but emigration is high amongst the PhD and MSc groups. Forty-one per cent of the cohort is of age </=55 years and 16% <40 years old. The 131 trainees have published 2287 peer-reviewed journal papers over their careers: quantity of research output is skewed towards degree type (PhD) and individuals (10% trainees produced 65% of all publications). Recent trainees have little research experience prior to their training and a lower subsequent research output than earlier trainees. PhDs have participated in research for the greatest length of time (29.1 years). Academic teaching is heavily reliant on older and PhD trainees. It is proposed that a threshold of four publications be used to indicate minimum research skills and a period of formal academic teaching taken into account when advocating criteria to assess clinical research workforce requirements.

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