
Active transportation (AT), walking/bicycling for transportation, in school-aged children (K-12) provides a variety of health benefits for those who participate. One state-funded initiative which attempts to increase AT among schoolchildren are Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs. These programs implement education and encouragement projects, as well as infrastructure-related construction. Although these programs have shown significant success in increasing AT behavior and safety throughout many communities in the United States, various demographic populations continue to see disparities in AT participation and injuries/death (e.g., low-income, communities of color, disabled individuals, non-English speakers, etc.). Additionally, there is a lack of literature (academic and technical) concerning strategies to reaching disadvantaged populations. This mixed-methods study attempted to understand the common barriers, best practices, and desired resources to providing equitable programming to disadvantaged populations. Surveys were sent to state SRTS representatives ( n = 59), and 22 states completed the survey and these were analyzed. Results suggested that there were many barriers seen when attempting to reaching disadvantaged communities, including within leadership, grant application process, and community implementation. There were various barriers seen throughout states in the U.S.; however, incorporating training/education materials concerning how to successfully reach disadvantaged populations, creating strategies to improve overall funding mechanisms toward these initiatives, and bringing in individuals with public health backgrounds may help initiate equitable and sustainable SRTS programs throughout disadvantaged populations in the U.S.

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