
The aim of the article is to analyse reasons of using new lexical borrowings in advertising, taking into account features of advertising as a genre. The empirical basis of the analysis consists of advertisements including borrowings that were collected in the Database of the New Borrowings. The article offers a qualitative analysis of borrowings in advertising.The theoretical basis of the article is a generalised classification of reasons for lexical borrowing, which includes designative, semantic, stylistic and sociopsychological reasons. Further a more detailed explanation is given by presenting the results of research on multilingual advertising: borrowings are used to fill in a semantic gap; because of creative motives in search for more interesting ways of expression; they help to associate the product with a particular cultural stereotype; or they can help to express the identity of a particular social group. From the viewpoint of advertisers, borrowings help to attract attention to the advertisement or product, to demonstrate its advantages by a symbolic value of other languages, to address a particular audience or to play with language for an emotional effect.The analysis of the Lithuanian data revealed a trend of the majority of borrowings used in advertisements for designative and semantic reasons, in order to name a new object. The origin languages of the borrowings vary; they include English, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese. Some borrowings are used next to their equivalent of Lithuanian origin for metalinguistic reasons. In the group of stylistic reasons, English borrowings are used for creating allusions, language play, and in order to attract the attention of the audience. In the group of sociopsychological reasons, borrowings from English are most prominent; they mostly serve to emphasize the exceptional value of the product. They might also be used as euphemisms. For symbolic reasons, borrowings from French and Italian are also used. English borrowings that are a part of youth slang are used in advertisements to create a youthful identity of the product and to address young consumers.The analysis of spelling of borrowings (original vs. adapted) might also be explained by their functions in the text: original spelling helps to emphasize the authenticity of the designated object, increases the symbolic value of the borrowing. In contrast, the adapted spelling of marked borrowings in the advertisements addressed to young people emphasizes their slang origin.In summary, the analysis of the Lithuanian advertisements confirmed most of the reasons for borrowing found in previous studies on multilingual advertising. The paper concludes that borrowings do not only serve a supplementary role when they are needed to fill a lexical gap, but are also intentionally used as a stylistic, symbolic, identity construction tool in order to enhance the effectiveness of advertisements.


  • Raktažodžiai: naujieji skoliniai, skolinimosi priežastys, reklama, reklamos kalba, kalbų kontaktas, anglų kalba

  • The analysis of the Lithuanian data revealed a trend of the majority of borrowings used in advertisements

  • English borrowings are used for creating allusions

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Lietuvių tyrėjų paprastai priskiriama publicistiniam stiliui, dar gali būti laikoma ir „funkciniu dialektu“ (Smith 1982, cit. pagal Kelly-Holmes 2005: 8). Kad reklamos kalba skiriasi nuo įprastos, kasdieninės kalbos (Kelly-Holmes 2005: 8). Taigi reklamų skolinių analizė gali pateikti įžvalgų apie skolinių naudojimo priežastis ir formas, naujų jų naudojimo pavyzdžių. Straipsnyje analizuojama ne reklamai būdinga tradiciškai suprantama kodų kaita (kai aiškiai pereinama iš lietuvių kalbos į kitą kalbą), bet skoliniai, t. Nuo Nepriklausomybės pradžios į lietuvių kalbą atėjusių skolinių atveju, atskirti kodų kaitą ir skolinį nėra paprasta, nes tekste skoliniai nebūtinai adaptuojami. Pagrindinė empirinė straipsnio medžiaga – Lietuvių kalbos institute kaupiama tęstinė Naujųjų skolinių duomenų bazė (NSDB), apimanti tekstus nuo 1998 m.2. Straipsnyje iš pradžių pristatoma skolinimosi priežasčių klasifikacija, kuria bus remiamasi analizuojant skolinius reklamoje, tada aptariami daugiakalbės reklamos tyrimai, taip pat pristatomi kai kurie reklamos teorijos aspektai, naudingi interpretuojant skolinių naudojimo reklamoje priežastis.

Skolinimosi priežastys
Daugiakalbės reklamos tyrimai
Reklama kaip diskurso forma
Designatinės ir semantinės skolinimosi priežastys
Verslas ir paslaugos
Metalingvistinė funkcija
Stilistinės ir sociopsichologinės skolinimosi priežastys
Stilistinės skolinimosi priežastys
Simbolinė skolinių reikšmė
Orientacija į jaunimo auditoriją
Skolinių rašybos reklamoje ypatumai
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