
After considering a series of particular types of aesthetic values it is necessary, ultimately, to deal with the concept of aesthetic values in general. We are faced, above all, with the question : in what respect do we valuate objects when we pronounce aesthetic judgements ? We have assumed that aesthetic value is a value ascribed to objects in view of a certain types of experiences which one senses in the face of these objects, i.e., in view of aesthetic experiences. But in the question which I have just posed the expression, “ in what respect ”, does not pertain to this. If, in effect, we make aesthetic value dependent always on aesthetic experiences, then we could introduce the word respect twice : in what respect do we evaluate objects when we evaluate them in respect to our aesthetic experiences ? Or, to put it more simply : what categories of properties of the objects valuated are taken into consideration in our aesthetic judgement ? This question should not be confused with the problem of the criteria of beauty.

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