
Yes, and here is why. As the selected Editor-in-Chief of this new Elsevier Infectious Diseases journal, ID Cases, I have embarked on a mission to fill a gap in teaching ID by reinforcing many of the common sense adages abounding in our field. We are quite good at common sense in ID, a nonprocedural subspecialty of Internal Medicine. In reality, common sense is our procedure, our gimmick. Often called in consultation when a diagnosis is not established, the ID clinician must apply a systematic thought process to sort through the information at hand and enlarge the patient's database. We need to ask questions that have yet to be asked, follow leads that have yet to be followed, indeed, just listen to what a patient is trying to tell us. In today's medical world of sophisticated and expensive diagnostic procedures, this common sense approach can solve dilemmas rapidly and cost effectively. ID Cases’ purpose is to illustrate this acumen through a case report format. Most journals include case reports as a part of their repertoire but the case reports are usually not a major part of the publication. Learning is a complex process but for me, I have learned more from patients who I have helped care for and from case reports describing clinical cases than from reviews of diseases from which one does not taste “the flavor” of any individual disease. Each case report will be selected for the journal for substantial teaching value. The cases will underscore the diagnostic thought process needed to produce a viable conclusion. As ID docs, we should not just be pulling diagnoses, like rabbits, out of magician's hats, but rather be showing how and why the diagnosis was entertained. What question was asked, what physical finding was followed up on, what subtle laboratory finding was not stressed. This information, sometimes just one answer or finding or other times when several findings are aligned together, makes a diagnosis clear, infection or otherwise. Here are just a few illustrative points: 1. The half life of truth is 6 months: Reminders of classical, yet not often thought of issues, are vital. As an example, pneumococcal postsplenectomy sepsis often begins with fever, chills and diarrhea prior to deterioration. Knowing that a patient is asplenic, one should never be sidetracked by the presence of diarrhea and thinking that the patient has a bacteria enteritis. 2. There are no silly questions, although sometimes silly answers: Asking about pets is important in assessing risk of zoonoses. The pet question, however, serves a second and sometimes more important role. Many individuals would choose to have their pet dog or cat with them (instead of their spouse) if marooned on a desert island. Letting a person talk about Fluffy or Spot for a moment will produce a patient who really thinks you care about them and will volunteer information. I once made a diagnosis of pigeon breeder's lung when a woman, who I let talk about her soft coated wheaten terrier, volunteered that her husband raised pigeons on their rooftop. 3. Mother Nature is the world's best bioterrorism: Never forget that new diseases (SARS, MERS, STARI as examples) are still occurring and will continue to do so. When things do not fit correctly, keep this in mind. 4. The post hoc fallacy “Post hoc ergo propter hoc” is a Latin expression literally meaning “after this, therefore because of this”, is a logical fallacy. Just because an event, say diarrhea, occurs after eating, say a cheeseburger at a fast food restaurant, does not mean that the food caused the illness. Keep in mind the concept of the incubation period. Diarrhea occurring an hour after the cheeseburger is not likely due to it. I am excited to read your submissions. We never stop learning.

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