
Leadership plays a very important role in achieving a high-quality organizational culture and nursing quality. Organizational culture guides the direction of organizational activities. Clear organizational culture could guide employees to make clear times and goals. Using the ideas to guide employees to carry out various actions, to complete work tasks with high quality. Different leadership styles apply to different organizations and employees, while situational leadership requires employers to use different management styles according to the actual situation of employees. The advantage of situational leadership is that the leader can flexibly adjust according to the abilities of the employees and the attributes of the task. On the one hand, employees can fully express their ideas, maximize their talents, and enhance the cooperation and trust between the two sides; On the other hand, leaders who are open-minded and willing to accept opinions are more conducive to forming common values with employees. Better yet, empowering employees according to their abilities can move organizations in a faster and better direction. Situational leadership requires leaders at different levels to share the same cultural orientation and set up more scientific values for employees. Together, we can replace bullying with a culture of compassion that shows the value and meaning of the people. In future practice, we should make comprehensive use of the advantages of various leaders and better apply them to culture.

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