
We study the characters of simple modules in the parabolic BGG category of the affine Lie algebra in Deligne's category. More specifically, we take the limit of the Weyl-Kac formula to compute the character of the irreducible quotient L(X,k) of the parabolic Verma module M(X,k) of level k, where X is an indecomposable object of Deligne's category Re_p(GLt), Re_p(Ot), or Re_p(Spt), under conditions that the highest weight of X plus the level gives a fundamental weight, t is transcendental, and the base field k has characteristic 0. We compare our result to the partial result in [7, Problem 6.2], and evaluate the characters to the categorical dimensions to get a categorical interpretation of the Nekrasov-Okounkov hook length formula, [12, Formula (6.12)].

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