
The wetting of polycrystalline alumina by a colored, calciamagnesia aluminosilicae glass was found to be dependent on temperatutre between 1300° and 1500°C, but independent of gas atmosphere effects. Neither the oxygen partial pressure, oveer the range of 10‐6 to 10‐10 Pa, the gas buffer system (Co/CO2 or H2/H2O), nor pre‐equilibration of the substrate surface with the atmosphere at tge exoperimental temperature before solid‐liuid interface formation affected the stable contact angle. An initial drop in contact angle the stable contact angle. An initial drop in contact angle occurring within the first hour is attributed to repaid dissolution of alumina and the formation of a stable glass/alumina interface. The contact angle after an 8‐h isothermal hold decreased from 1300° to 1500°C. The solid‐liquid interfacial energy, μMS1, controls the wetting behavior. Changes in μMs1 are attributed to he breakup of the silica network as temperature increases.

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