
We present the results of experimental investigations aimed at evaluating the thermal–hydraulic performance of chromium-coated zircaloy, i.e., one of the most promising accident tolerant fuel (ATF) cladding material for light water nuclear reactors. Precisely, we investigate the wettability and critical heat flux (CHF) limits of chromium-coated and conventional zircaloy surfaces in prototypical reactor conditions. For both surface types, we measure the contact angle in a vapor-saturated atmosphere from ambient pressure to the operating pressure of pressurized water reactors (PWRs), i.e., ∼15 MPa. We measure the ambient-pressure steady-state flow boiling CHF with a spatially uniform heat flux. We measure the high-pressure steady-state flow boiling CHF with a cosine shape heat flux (up to 20 MPa) and with a uniform heat flux (up to 15 MPa), also exploring the effect of CRUD deposits on the chromium-coated surface. Our results reveal that the chromium surface and the bare zircaloy surface have similar wettability and both become super-hydrophilic in PWR conditions, and that there is practically no difference in the steady-state CHF limits, both at low-pressure and high-pressure conditions, also when the chromium-coated surface is covered by a CRUD deposit. However, while the chromium-coating does not improve the CHF compared to the bare zircaloy surface, it improves the post-CHF behavior. The chromium coating prevents the reaction between zircaloy and steam, which results in the formation of a brittle zirconium oxide through the surface of the cladding. We also measure the transient CHF under exponentially escalating heat flux inputs of a nano-smooth and a rough surface mimicking a chromium-coated zircaloy cladding. Interestingly, the results of the transient heat flux tests suggest that the CHF limit for very short periods (i.e., fast transients) is independent of the surface finish, being the same for a rough chromium surface or a nano-smooth surface.

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