
The combination of hardware assisted virtualization and the broadband Internet have taken the Information Technology (IT) hosted managed services to a next level of evolution, where the software applications have become independent of the hardware infrastructure and can be migrated at will. This introduces two key issues that need to be addressed to fully leverage the potential that the new servers and virtualization offer: 1. The operation and management of virtual services have to be decoupled from the operation and management of the server, network and storage physical infrastructure that hosts them 2. Resource provisioning must be application sensitive, dynamic to meet the transient nature of services that can migrate and must accommodate latency constraints of services that utilize them. The second international IEEE Workshop On collaboration & Cloud Computing under the aegis of 19th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE) 2010, is devoted to address the operation and management issues in the next generation cloud computing. Seven papers discuss various aspects of bringing telecom grade “trust” and global interoperability to distributed collaborating computing clouds.

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