
U-Pb isotopic analyses of zircons from a distinctive suite of previously undated granulite facies metaplutonic rocks, here termed the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO), in Fiordland, southwest New Zealand, indicate synkinematic magmatic emplacement between ∼120 and 130 Ma ago. These rocks were previously interpreted as possibly being of Precambrian age. Initial Pb and Sr ratios are consistent with arc/subduction related magmagenesis with little or no involvement of ancient continental crust. Subsequent high pressure (>12 kb) metamorphism of the WFO may reflect a major collision event involving crustal thickening by overthrusting of a >15 km thick sequence. Metamorphism ceased ≤116 Ma ago based on206Pb/238U ages of zircon from a retrogressed granulite. U-Pb isotopic analysis of apatite, along with previously published Rb/Sr mineral ages, indicate that final uplift and cooling to <300–400° C was largely completed by ∼90 Ma. The average uplift rate during this period is inferred to have been in excess of 1 mm/yr. Unmetamorphosed gabbronorites of the Darran Complex in eastern Fiordland, inferred by some investigators to be the granulite protolith, yield concordant U/Pb zircon ages of 137±1 Ma. U-Pb ages of apatite, and previously published K/Ar mineral ages indicate that these rocks experienced a rapid and simple cooling history lasting only a few million years. The high-grade WFO and unmetamorphosed Darran Complex are now separated by a profound structural break. However, the ages and similarities in initial Pb and Sr isotopic ratios suggest that both suites are products of the same Early Cretaceous cycle of subduction-related magmatism. The timing of Early Cretaceous magmatism and metamorphism, collision and resultant crustal thickening, and subsequent great uplift and erosion in Fiordland has important implications for terrane accretion and the evolution of relative plate motions along the New Zealand segment of the Gondwana margin.

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