
A typical Western diet consists of low amounts of fruits and vegetables and high amounts of fat and salt. This style of eating is quite common in America and Eastern Europe, including Georgia, and is taking on a global appearance. Among the causes of obesity, the Western eating style is on the first place, and therefore its prevention is gaining more and more importance. The above mentioned eating style consists of large portions of food, high calories and excess sugar. This excess sugar makes up more than 13% of daily calories, and beverages 47% of sugar. The Western diet is rich in trans fats, which increase the number of low-density lipoproteins that provoke atherosclerosis. The diet also damages the immune system, provokes inflammation and damages the gut microflora. Several studies in rodents and humans have found that Western-type dietary habits are associated with elevated serum inflammatory markers. It impairs epithelial barrier function in mice and increases susceptibility to chemically induced colitis. Experiments have shown that supplementation with vitamins A or D, fiber, or indol improves intestinal inflammation. Western-style nutrition leads to severe gastrointestinal dysbiosis, which is characterized by the proliferation of pathogens and the reduction or complete loss of bacteria included in the normal flora. An imbalance of the gut microbiome can lead to disruption of barrier integrity and the induction of systemic inflammatory processes. There is also a correlation between asthma and a Western-style diet.Most studies have shown that the proportion and number of neutrophils significantly higher in lung tissues of obese mice than in lean subjects. Regarding treatment, the drug metformin can reduce the symptoms of obesity-related asthma, while statins are most commonly prescribed orally for lipid-lowering therapy. Simvastatin can effectively improve airway inflammation and remodeling by regulating dyslipidemia and reducing leptin levels. The fight against obesity is much more than a public health challenge, so promoting a healthy lifestyle for the population and regulating the quality of nutrition should be the main task for countries, including Georgia.

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