
Western blotting is a commonly used assay for proteins. Despite the utility of the method, it is also characterized by long analysis times, manual operation, and lack of established miniaturized counterpart. We report a new way to Western blot that addresses these limitations. In the method, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-protein complexes are separated by sieving electrophoresis in a microfluidic device or chip. The chip is interfaced to a moving membrane so that proteins are captured in discrete zones as they migrate from the chip. Separations of SDS-protein complexes in the molecular weight range of 11-155 kDa were completed in 2 min with 4 × 10(4) theoretical plates at 460 V/cm. Migration time and peak area relative standard deviations were 3-6% and 0.2%, respectively. Detection limit for actin was 0.7 nM. Assays for actin, AMP-kinase, carbonic anhydrase, and lysozyme are shown to demonstrate versatility of the method. Total analysis time including immunoassay was 22-32 min for a single sample. Because processing membrane for immunoassay is the slow step of the assay, sequential injections from different reservoirs on the chip and capture in different tracks on the same membrane allow increased throughput. As a demonstration, 9 injections were collected on one membrane and analyzed in 43 min (~5 min/sample). Further improvements in throughput are possible with more reservoirs or parallel channels.

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