
ABSTRACT West Cameron 43 field produces from a single sand in the Lower Miocene Discorbis B (= D. bolivarensis) interval at a depth of approximately 9,800 feet. The feature is a structural-stratigraphic trap on the east flank of the West Cameron 45 field. Eleven (11) successful wells have been drilled with no dry holes. The ultimate recovery from the field is estimated to be 160 BCF gas and 2,000 MB condensate with a field life of only 3-1/2 years. The depositional environment of the Discorbis B sand is inner to middle neritic, with the overall morphology indicating a delta front sand being deposited across a large area. Where there is dense well control, as in the field, evidence of a channel scour exists. Sand deposition was from the north to the south along the eastern flank of the West Cameron 45 structure. This structure was a geologically positive feature affecting deposition not only for the Discorbis B sands, but throughout the entire Lower Miocene section. The reservoir outline is defined by a seismic amplitude anomaly and confirmed by integrating well control. Wells which predate the discovery provide the evidence for updip pinchout of sands to the west and the bounding fault trap to the north. The downdip southern and eastern limits of the field are as yet unproven; however, there appears to be a gas/water contact based upon a common structural downdip termination of amplitudes.

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