
The free field representation or "bosonization" rule1 for Wess-Zumino-Witten model (WZWM) with arbitrary Kac-Moody algebra and arbitrary central charge is discussed. Energy-momentum tensor, arising from Sugawara construction, is quadratic in the fields. In this way, all known formulae for conformal blocks and correlators may be easily reproduced as certain linear combinations of correlators of these free fields. Generalization to conformal blocks on arbitrary Riemann surfaces is straightforward. However, projection rules in the spirit of Ref. 2 are not specified. The special role of βγ systems is emphasized. From the mathematical point of view, the construction involved represents generators of Kac-Moody (KM) algebra in terms of generators of a Heisenberg one. If WZW Lagrangian is considered as d−1 of Kirillov form on an orbit of KM algebra,3 then the free fields of interest (i.e. generators of the Heisenberg algebra) diagonalize Kirillov form and the action. Reduction of KM algebra within the same construction should naturally lead to arbitrary coset models.

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