
The details of Wessel Gansfort's life can be briefly summarized.1 He was born about 1419 in Groningen and attended one of the two parish schools there before proceeding to the town school at Zwolle at the age of twelve or thirteen in 1432 or 1433, financed by Oda Jargis. On reaching the first class, he probably taught in the lower forms of the school, while living in a domus pauperum of the Brethren of the Common Life in the Begijnenstraat. Wessel taught in this school for the next fifteen years and was noted for his piety. Leaving Zwolle in 1449, he enrolled the following year in the arts faculty at Cologne, listed on 1 December 1450 as a baccalaureus artium and in March 1452 as magister artium. From Cologne, he went to Louvain and Paris, which universities together with Cologne taught the via antiqua. From 1455 to 1458 he taught in the arts facul ties at Cologne and Heidelberg, before returning to Paris in 1459 when he went over to the via mocLerna. He remained in Paris for about

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