
Four‐dimensional computed tomography (4D CT), also called respiratory correlated CT, was first published on, and commercially available in 2003. Since then this technology has gained widespread acceptance and clinical use. The 4D CT acquisition concept is relatively simple: acquire CT scans synchronized with the respiratory cycle such that sufficient data exists to reconstruct a volumetric image at or near a number of respiratory phases. There are a variety of commercial implementations of the basic acquisition concept. There are several limitations of 4D CT. One problem is artifacts. Though 4D CT was developed to account for the deleterious effects of respiratory motion on 3D image acquisition techniques, irregular respiratory motion causes artifacts in 4D scans. Free breathing, unlike the cardiac cycle on which the technology is based, is typically irregular and artifacts can be found in nearly all 4D CT scans with current technology. There are several strategies to deal with this irregular signal: (1) improve the regularity of the signal itself, using audio‐visual biofeedback tools, (2) during imaging only acquire data during regular cycles and (3) use post‐processing methods to reduce artifacts. Another limitation of 4D CT, at least in its application to radiotherapy, is that the time interval during which images are acquired over, ∼5 seconds per anatomic location for a ∼1 minute total scan time, is a small sample of the respiratory induced anatomic changes occurring over a course of radiotherapy, which can be between a single fraction to several weeks. Despite these limitations 4D CT has been found to be very useful for a number of applications in radiotherapy planning. 4D CT can be used for measuring target motion, and motion inclusive, respiratory gated and target tracking treatment scenarios. Fully utilizing 4D CTimages for treatment planning requires deformable image registration algorithms for automatic contour propagation and dose summation. For this application, several studies have shown that current algorithms have acceptable geometric performance with respect to expert observers. The dosimetric impact of the geometric uncertainty of deformable registration algorithms appears low. A more recent development in 4D CT is the extension to 4D cone beam CT (4D CBCT) which offers the ability for pre‐treatment anatomic position and motion verification. This application is a major innovation and will increase treatment accuracy. Residual uncertainties from anatomic changes between the time of imaging and time of treatment have been observed, and intra‐fraction position monitoring is desired to complement 4D CBCT. Educational Objectives: 1. Understand the principles of 4D CTimage acquisition and reconstruction. 2. Understand the limitations of current 4D CT technology. 3. Understand the ongoing developments in 4D CT and 4D CBCTimaging. 4. Understand the application of 4D CT to treatment planning.

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