
The „Werkschule“, a pre-vocational school-based education for career orientation, has been developed in the pilot project “Development and implementation of a concept for promoting disadvantaged youths by practice-oriented learning”. The project was funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) between 2009 and 2012. A “Werkschule”, which lasts three years from the ninth to the eleventh class level, offer students the opportunity to develop their capability for vocational education and training and to receive a secondary modern school-leaving certificate. Since 2012 the “Werkschule” is a regular type of public school in the state of Bremen. This article explains the concept and presents the results of the final survey of the pilot project. 65 staff members and 194 (out of 385) students of eight “Werkschulen” were interviewed in 2012. The findings of the survey as well as the 85 % graduation quota of the first cohort point out the success of this concept. Students whose graduation was rather unlikely a few years ago regained interest in school and finally got their degree. Others, who had social problems at former schools or had to leave their former school due to several problems strengthened their social competencies and identified themselves with the concept and the institution. It is hoped that a similar preventive approach for the vocational education and training will be found. Prevention is the purpose of preventing potential problems ahead. This principle applies equally to the career guidance and orientation in secondary education as for the subsequent vocational education and training.

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