
Reviewed by: Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf April Spisak Jobling, Curtis. Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf. Viking, 2011. [464p]. ISBN 978-0-670-01330-2 $16.99 Reviewed from galleys R Gr. 7–10. In this epic tale divided into six parts, Drew discovers the lycanthrope within him, and he is irrevocably changed by the adventure brought on by its awakening. He has barely begun to grieve for his murdered mother when he is thrown into a world of were creatures, longstanding alliances and enemies, and a secret about his own royal origins (he was raised as a shepherd’s son) that he could have never seen coming. While genre conventions make it likely that he can save the girl (a spoiled, though resilient and engaging shapeshifter), his family (both biological and chosen), and himself, the book makes it clear there’s no guarantee; the nail-biting pace and plot turns will keep the reader wondering exactly how Drew will resolve it all. Broken neatly into disparate adventures with a loyal cast that appears regularly, this evokes role-playing game quests, and fantasy fans who are also gamers will recognize the flow immediately. While there aren’t many of the buff, sexy Team Jacob–appealing werewolves in this world populated by therianthropes (shapeshifters who take the forms of all kinds of animals) there is enough romantic heat, girl power, and vulnerable tough guys to guarantee interest from the Twilight crowd. Copyright © 2011 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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