
DOI: 10.2514/1.J050723 The Myers boundary condition for acoustics within flow over an acoustic lining has been shown to be ill-posed, leading to numerical stability issues in the time domain and mathematical problems with stability analyses. This paper gives a modification (for flat or cylindrical straight ducts) to make the Myers boundary condition well posed, and indeed more accurate, by accounting for a thin inviscid boundary layer over the lining and correctly deriving the boundary condition to first order in the boundary-layer thickness. The modification involves two integraltermsovertheboundarylayer.The firstmaybewrittenintermsofthemass,momentum,andkinetic-energy thicknessesoftheboundarylayer,whichareshownto physicallycorrespondtoamodifiedboundarymass,modified grazingvelocity,andatensionalongtheboundary. Thesecondintegral termisrelatedtothecriticallayerwithinthe boundary layer. A time domain version of the new boundary condition is proposed, although not implemented. The modified boundary condition is validated against high-fidelity numerical solutions of the Pridmore-Brown equation for sheared inviscid flow in a cylinder. Absolute instability boundaries are given for certain examples, though convective instabilities appear to always be present at certain frequencies for any boundary-layer thickness.

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