
Introduction. Prologue. The ancient advanced civilizations - Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia. Greece. The ideal of health in Ancient Greece. The Pre-Socratics.The Hippocratic Corpus. Diocles of Carystus, a Fourth-Century Health Pedagogue. 'Knidic' Dietetics. Health in Plato and Aristotle. Dietetics in Alexandria. Cures and Miracles, Asculapius and Hygeia. Public Health Care and Sport. Early Stoics and Cynics. Rome. People and Literati - Dietetics in Ancient Rome. New Doctors, New Theories. Sport and Baths. The Sacred Tales of Publius Aelius Aristides. The Roman Stoa: Plutarch, Seneca, Marcus Arelius, Epictetus. Galen. Jewish and Early Christian Traditions. Jewish Doctrines of Health. Christus Medicus. Early Christian Doctrines of Health. Medieval Traditions in the East and West. Healing and Health in Early Monasticism. The first German pharmacopoeia. Dietetics in Islam. Medieval Doctrines of Health in the West. Asceticism and Mysticism - Feasts and Beauty Care. Western and Eastern Clerical Scholars: Maimonides, Petrus Hispanus, Roger Bacon. Hildegard of Bingen. Saints and Miracle Workers. The Power of the Stars. Doctrines of Health in the Renaissance. Petrarch's Conception of Health. Alberti and other Intellectuals around 1500. House Books and Manuals - Health and Literature. Further Humanists - Platina, More, Luther. Philosophy of Health and Prophylaxis in Venice - Mercuriale, Rangone, Cornaro. Gabriele Zerbi and the Gerontocomia. Paracelsus' Teachings on Health. Herbal Books. Dietetics in Daily Life. Dietetics in the 17th Century. Cartesianism and Conservative Tendencies. Van Helmont, Sylvius and Other 'Iatrochemists'. Doctrines of Health in England - the Dietetics of the State. Health through Planning - the Utopias. The Dietetics of the Enlightenment - Philosophers, Pedagogues, Charlatans. Doctrines of Health in the Eighteenth Century. Medical Theories of Health. The French Enlightenment and Rousseau. Tissot, Triller, Mai: Health Education at Grassroots. Public Health Care. Around 1800. The Notion of 'Lebenskraft' (Vital Force) - Hufeland and Kant. The Recurrent Topic of a Dietetic Regime for Intellectuals. Alternative Paths to Health. Goethe. Romantic Medicine - Schelling, Carus, Novalis. The Nineteenth Century. Trends in the Nineteenth Century. Rudolf Virchow and the Dietetics of Reason. Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and the Philosophical Critique of Positivism. The Revolution in Nutrition and Alternative Paths to Health. Afterword. Notes. Bibliography. Index.

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