
Abstract The numerous advantages and benefits of Multiphase Flow Meters (MPFM) experienced globally by major oil & gas operating companies were studied by and have driven OGDCL for using MPFM for well testing their challenging fields. During the past year, OGDCL has installed, field-tested and deployed their first multiphase flow meter at Nashpa oil field. The objective of the field-testing program of the MPFM was to establish the meter ability to accurately measure the three production phases (oil, water, and gas) and to determine meter reliability in a field environment. During trial testing, the MPFM flow rates were compared to reference conventional test separators and storage tanks within the allowable accuracy bands. Both the meter accuracy and operational reliability were satisfactory to OGDCL acceptance criteria. The application of MPFMs in OGDCL production operations will provide continuous on-line well production monitoring and eliminate large conventional test separators and test lines. As a result, tremendous economic savings would be realized due to a significant reduction in capital and operating expenditures associated with well-testing activities. The MPFM covers a wide range of multiphase applications at several different oil and gas-condensate fields. This technically developed, compact non-radioactive MPFM is targeted for testing wells at remote onshore fields and for future potential unmanned offshore platforms, where weight and space are major concerns. Currently, in OGDCL the combination of MPFM technology with a well-designed test plan is leading to the optimization of the well performance Continuous well-test data being obtained from MPFM is leading to accurate production allocation and better reservoir management. Thus, the introduction of online Multi-phase Flow Metering (MPFM) technology presents a reliable alternative to conventional test separators for well testing and flow measurement in Pakistan's oil and gas industry. This overcomes the limitation of conventional well testing means and technologies to operate with higher gas volume fraction, varying water cut and changing dynamics of the multi-phase flow. This paper discusses in detail the success story of multiphase flow meter (MPFM) and its application program in OGDCL. The paper also presents an overview of MPFM technology. This will add to the existing SPE literature a focused technical paper describing the MPFM installation and application experience in OGDCL Pakistan that can be used as a reference by other operating companies, academic personnel, R&D organizations and New Technology promoters in the country.

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