
Wellness has emerged as an important area within post-graduate medical education. Our objective was to identify the wellness needs of radiation oncology residents in our program, and to develop a multifaceted curriculum to develop and support wellness. Curriculum development was mapped using Kern’s six-step approach. A literature review was conducted to assess the wellness landscape in postgraduate medical education, in general, and radiation oncology, specifically, and to identify gaps. Targeted needs assessments of radiation oncology residents were done in the areas of general wellness, mentorship, and leadership. The results of the literature review and needs assessments were used to inform the design, development and implementation of a wellness curriculum, including goals/objectives and educational sessions. The literature review and needs assessments identified reflection, mentorship and leadership as wellness program pillars, and were combined under the name “Well-Med.” For each component, educational design was undertaken and included a syllabus, lesson plan or guideline development. For the Reflection component, a narrative medicine workshop series (n=4) was developed exploring themes of identity, work-life balance, uncertainty and creativity in oncology. The Mentorship component includes implementation of a formal mentorship program with tool development to facilitate faculty-trainee matching, mentor bios, suggested guidelines for mentorship relationships, and a template for individualized career plan discussion. The Leadership component comprises key topics including interpersonal and leadership styles, teamwork, negotiation and conflict management. A leadership speaker series was initiated on some of these topics, and tailored workshops will address the remainder. Well-Med was introduced to residents in February 2019 and will be implemented in a step-wise roll-out during protected academic time. We present a strategy for developing a formalized, multi-faceted program supporting radiation oncology trainee wellness. This may serve as a framework for other post-graduate training programs. Further research will include an evaluation of the curriculum and consideration for expansion to other programs.

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