
Confirming hydrocarbon charge in reservoir assessment is crucial for exploration and appraisal phases of oil and gas business. This paper addresses the source rock assessment and basin modeling, as well as seismic attributes, of Miocene-Pliocene sequences, shedding light on petroleum potential at South Mansoura Area. South Mansoura-1 well was chosen in performing the required investigation. It contains complete set of logs, enclosing gamma ray, resistivity, neutron, density, and sonic logs. Passey formula was used in calculating the TOC (total organic carbon) within the source rock intervals, employing resistivity and porosity logs. 1-D basin model was established to retrieve the burial history and maturation levels within the area. Various seismic attributes have been extracted for the Pliocene target, to confirm the hydrocarbon accumulation within the reservoir intervals. The results show a rather significant source-prone interval for Middle-Late Miocene Sidi Salem and a predominant source potential for Pliocene Kafr El Sheikh shales, capable of feeding reservoir intervals of Messinian Qawasim, Abu Madi, and Pliocene Kafr El Sheikh formations, due to the adequate generation level featuring the penetrated rocks. The shales of the penetrated units are in the main generation window for expelling hydrocarbons. Moreover, direct hydrocarbon indicator and seismic attribute analyses of Pliocene and Miocene Kafr El Sheikh and Abu Madi formations, respectively, confirm the hydrocarbon charging within the reservoir intervals. Accordingly, it is recommended to expand the investigations to reveal out the structural configuration controlling the area, and migration pathways revealed applying 2-D basin modeling approaches, so as to mark the best locations for drilling new development wells. Furthermore, the established 1-D basin model, performed in this study, could be effectively used as a baseline for future plays at the Nile Delta basin.

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