
The Covid-19 Pandemic effects invites us to reflect and rethink of our model of welfare state. What type of welfare model? The content of this contribution is to suggest a different point of view on welfare, through a supportive, generative and pedagogical approach, renewed attention on inequalities from a prospective of inclusion, sustainability and care of human beings. Forced isolation induced by COVID-19 pandemic dramatically impacted individuals' well-being, isolation, pain, loneliness and shock has raised awareness of the essential values both on men and women, the importance of inclusiveness and pedagogical generativity. It can be said that this was in some ways a spiritual experience, helpful in rediscovering humanity in man, which recalled that ex malo bonum, good can come from something bad, but, as St. Augustine himself argued: bad moments can bring out the good "if you work on it", consciously. It is by working exactly on this awareness, without refusing this intense emotional experience of change, that can be found the pedagogical transformative space and the role of educational relations and of the educator in the welfare system; a new idea of ​​governance of capacities, an opportunity for the development of a welfare society for the well-being of individuals and Communities.

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