
Panthera tigris sumatrae is one of endemic species of Sumatera Island included in the endangered species red list by the IUCN. The efforts to preserve the sumatran tiger is with conservation activities both in-situ and ex-situ. One form of ex-situ conservation is to keep animals in the zoos. This study aims to assess the welfare level of Sumatran tigers are in Medan Zoo and Siantar Zoo. Aspects of tiger welfare are measured through 5 variables basedon five animal freedom, namely the free of hunger and thirst, the free of environmental discomfort, the free of pain, wounds and diseases, the free of natural behavior and the free of fear and suffering. Data collection through direct observation of animal management and assessment of minimum animal welfare standards. Interviews with veterinarians and animal keepers about human resources and management activities carried out in supporting animal welfare. The assessment is carried out by the management, namely veterinarians, animal keepers, researchers and visitors to obtain objective results. The implementation of sumatran tiger welfare management in Medan Zoo has an average of 76.9 with the category is good and for Siantar Zoo has an average of 95 with the category is very good. Recommendation that needs to be considered from the results of this study is that Medan Zoo needs to add enrichment in the cages that tigers can behave naturally.

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