
Praise be to Almighty God for His blessings on National Seminar of Mathematics and Mathematics Education in collaboration with Mathematics Education Study Program STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat with IndoMS. We expected for the success of this seminar and all parties involved on this event. Welcome to STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat for the honorable Keynote Speakers, speakers and all participants and invitees who had already attended this National Seminar. Hopefully, all participants could get advantages towards the increasing their respective roles on the interests of Science and Technology as well as the interests of our beloved society, Nation and Country of Indonesia.National Seminar of Mathematics and Mathematics Education themed “Innovation of Mathematics Learning in Era 4.0” was held on Saturday, October 5 th, 2019 at the Hall of B Building STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. The theme was in line with the demands of the teaching and teaching profession to always improve professionalism, so that creative and innovative learning could be achieved in an effort to produce creative students as well. Therefore, the 2013 curriculum development was carried out in an effort to improve the quality of education to produce graduates who were able to face the future life. It was specifically on the 4.0 industrial revolution Era at this time where student creativity must also have another ability to integrate Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), especially in learning of mathematics, which was considered appropriate to overcome the student’s displeasure of Mathematics Course.There have been many studies developed in the world of mathematics education. It is necessary to provide an event to socialize research results. Therefore, we organize National Seminar on Mathematics and Mathematics Education. The seminar was attended by more than 150 participants, presented 132 papers orally and highlighted by two Keynote Speakers. Topics of discussion covered mathematics and mathematics education.We expected that this seminar, not only being a medium for disseminating research results, but it also became a media for sharing research experiences to improve research both in terms of the quality and quantity of basic research results, especially in the field of mathematics education to support the advancement of science and technology in the future. Through the implementation of this seminar, we express our gratitude to President of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat who has fully supported the organization of this seminar, Keynote speakers, participants, donors, committee, and all parties involved. On this occasion, we express apologies for all the shortcomings in organizing this seminar. May we always be protected by God, so that we can meet again in the same forum in the future. thank you.Head of CommitteeRatulani Juwita, M.Pd

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