
The third series of the Japanese Journal of Mathematics (JJM) got off to a great start in the spring of 2006. The first volume contains splendid research survey articles by V. I. Arnold; S. Iyanaga; S. Gindikin; L. Illusie; A. De Sole and V. G. Kac; and B. Roynette, P. Vallois, and M. Yor in its first issue, followed by K.-H. Neeb in its second issue. I would like to congratulate JJM for overcoming the 2005 crisis of discontinuance and starting its third series in an outstanding form. JJM was founded in 1924. In its first series, JJM was published annually from 1924 until 1974 by the National Research Council of Japan and its successor, the Science Council of Japan. JJM was renewed as the “New Series” (second series) in 1975. In its second series (1975-2005), JJM published excellent articles, mostly upon the recommendation of fourteen supporting journals in Japan, in cooperation of the Kinokuniya Company Ltd. Above all, the Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan recommended long articles to JJM. After 30 years of the second series, the Kinokuniya Company Ltd. decided to stop publishing JJM in 2005. The board of the Mathematical Society of Japan established a working group to study the problem. After discussion over several months, we decided to relaunch JJM as an official journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan that publishes research survey articles exclusively. In its third series (beginning in 2006), JJM publishes research survey articles of the highest scientific quality, which is maintained by the peer-review process. We appointed five relatively young, very active Japanese mathematicians as new editors of the series and came to an agreement with Springer to relaunch the third series of JJM with the new editorial board. As a result of the sincere efforts

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